Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Confession

behind the curtains of fallen rays
and coffins of the dead warriors

The cries of vampires and witches
still torture the cold moments of the midnight

crystal tears of regret in the waterfalls
their curses echo from the distant hills

The serpent of black sins
runs through the green courtyards of forsaken memories
and pierces the distant horizon
sealed in with a lead sky

I carry a secret code of fear
in the red wine that climbs through my veins

in the branches of the crippled willow
lurks the prayers of vengeance of the hanged priest now

the spirit of the weeping mother
still hunts for her child’s life
beneath the rusted remains of bullets and daggers

yes, I confess
I hail from the lands of blood and murder
when the bleeding times return
with rotten sweat and regrets

and they escape
when I try to bury them in the dark alleys
of a forgotten poem

And my heart
stripped to a wounded beggar
now begs for mercy
in the graveyards of those burning souls…


  1. this is realli very gud
    Cheers, mate!

  2. I liked the central idea. Good to c u r trying things out with your imageries!Yet the visual metaphors could have been more subtle; at places u have sacrificed your 'economy of words' that worked so well in your last poem.The lesser words u use, the more powerful your piece becomes as the reader is kept guessing in the corridor of half-revealed ambiguity.More like your second last stanza!
    Anyway, keep experimenting.You've got talent, mate. And thanks for leaving a note but in the future do leave notes on my mail instead of my blog.


  3. The serpent of black sins
    runs through the green courtyards of forsaken memories
    and pierces the distant horizon
    sealed in with a lead sky

    Your thoughts provoke darkness...
    Will read more from you soon I hope..

  4. The quote that Rye.. mentions, "The serpent of black sins / runs through the green courtyards of forsaken memories..." is my favorite metaphor of the poem. I also like the way you end your poem, and the photo really sets the scene. Good work!

  5. i dont want to talk bout structures and technical difficulties an 'metaphysical speculations' an all dat stuff. i hardly understand anythin bout da technicalities of poetry. but if u ask me whether i like it or no, den yes i like it.

    thanx for visitin my blog. hope u excel in poetry writin.
